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Opening Keynote: Nextcloud Conference 2020

In our opening keynote, Nextcloud founder and CEO Frank Karlitschek will talk about what's next for the project and introduce big news!

Frank Karlitschek
Frank Karlitschek is a long time open source contributor and former board member of the KDE e.V. He founded ownCloud in 2010 and the successor Nextcloud in 2016 to create a fully open source and decentralized alternative to big centralized cloud companies. Frank was an invited expert at the W3C to help to create the ActivityPub standard. Frank has spoken at MIT, CERN, Harvard and ETH and keynoted LinuxCon, Latinoware, FOSSASIA, Campus Party and many other conferences. Frank is the founder and CEO of Nextcloud GmbH. He is also a fellow of Open Forum Europe and an advisor to the United Nations.

This is the first video of the Nextcloud Conference 2020, learn more on

Learn more about Nextcloud 20 in our announcement blog:
And about bridging in Talk:

Our partner announcements can also be found on our press page:
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