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Kubernetes ConfigMap and Secret as Kubernetes Volumes | Demo

Demo of using ConfigMap and Secret as Kubernetes Volumes | Kubernetes ConfigMap | Kubernetes Secrets | Kubernetes Volumes

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ConfigMap and Secret components are usually used for creating individual values, which are passed as environment variables in the pod configuration.
But ConfigMap and Secret are also volume types, which people don't realize in the beginning. Using them as volumes is actually a common requirement, e.g. think of applications that take configuration files as parameter on startup. Like prometheus, elastic search or your own java application taking a properties file or certificate file. The question is how to pass these config files to Kubernetes Pods?

In this video I show you how to create these configMap and secret volumes and how to use them in pods. I give you some real-life use cases and show you the syntax of using volumes in a pod configuration.

► Reference to YAML Configs: https://gitlab.com/nanuchi/kubernetes-tutorial-series-youtube/-/tree/master/configmap-and-secret-volumes
► Kubernetes Volumes Explained: https://youtu.be/0swOh5C3OVM

▬▬▬▬▬▬ T I M E S T A M P S
0:00 - Intro
0:13 - Configuration Files usages in pods
1:13 - ConfigMap and Secret creating individual values (key-value pairs) for env variables
2:40 - ConfigMap and Secret creating files for mounting them into the pod
14:44 - Summary

Full Kubernetes and Docker tutorial ► https://bit.ly/2YGeRp9
DevOps Tools, like Ansible ► https://bit.ly/2W9UEq6
Complete K8s Application Setup ► https://youtu.be/EQNO_kM96Mo
Kubernetes Components explained ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Krpb44XR0bk&t=364s

For any questions/issues/feedback, please leave me a comment and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Also please let me know what you want to learn about Docker & Kubernetes or another technology.

#kubernetes #kubernetestutorial #devops #techworldwithnana

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